Do I like my job? I love it! But I get asked all the time how I can stand being with 24 first graders all day. Maybe it is a gift. Maybe it is a desire to help better our future. But maybe, just maybe, it is because they are so very funny!
Today we were writing a shared story about something that happened at recess. Usually a shared story is something that we all shared together, but today, they really wanted to write about something that happened during indoor recess, when I was at lunch. Fine, I said, I was intrigued by the hook..."Ants in Your Pants started playing all by itself!". Really? A YouTube video came on by itself? I had to hear to the whole story.
I asked, "Well, what did you do when the music started?" B. said, "We started dancing!" with that DUH look on his face. I cannot imagine what the recess supervisor, was thinking she saw them start dancing. But I know what I started to do when they just told me what they did: laugh out loud. And I laughed for quite a while before I could start writing their story on the chart paper. And of course, they laughed with me!
After going through the proper planning of a personal narrative we came up with a story. Here it is! (more or less. I can't remember the exact words and I forgot to take a picture!) :
We cleaned up from recess. We went to line up for lunch. The song Ants in Your Pants started playing. We started dancing. J. did his own silly dance. Miss Jenny handed out the lunch cards and we went on with our regular day.
Yes, one of them came up with 'regular'.
This story will morph into something else as the days go on - we are working on revision. But the best part of this time with my kids was when I was writing it and laughing; and they were telling me what to write and laughing and G. says. "THIS will be a good thing to remember in college!"
I hope so sweetie, I sure hope so!
And for anyone interested in seeing the video that started it all, here is the link. You really should click this link. It's funny!
I'm sorry I left before the story, but sat here and giggled while reading this. Of course, the little one had to ask what is it Mom - so I let her see it instead of try to explain it - she loved it :)